Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Gluten-free bread recipe version 1

I made this recipe up as I went along (the benefits of a having been a chef...written recipes are optional).

If there were ever a bread that TASTED like french toast, this is it - it's very eggy, so be warned if that's not your thing in terms of flavours...

Red pepper and feta loaf

62.5g butter (melted)
2 eggs
1 cup rice flour (Entice Rice Flour works well)
1 tsp bicarb
1/2 tsp creme of tartar
pinch of salt
1 small red pepper
1 round of feta

- Mix together and put in a buttered loaf tin.
- Bake for 25 mins at 180 degrees celsius.

Born-up-a-gluten-free-tree! For those of you wondering why this is my oft-used key phrase, it's just a silly play on bon appetit :-)


Juanita said...

Looks yummy, cant wait to burn the house down during its preparation..lmao!

Juanita said...

Lol :-) Good luck with NOT doing that!