I have always adored coconut - the fresher the better!
Hubby has become remarkably good at calling upon his caveman instincts to crack open those peskily tough but oh-so-delish fresh coconut delights.
Fresh coconut was not always freely available in SA when I was little though, so my Mom used to rock the following recipe using dried desiccated coconut. This recipe assuaged my coconut gland on a regular basis growing up.
Out of the blue a few weeks ago, the memory of this tart jumped into my head. I found my Mom's recipe, de-glutenised it and let the smell of this tart baking conjure up lovely childhood memories.
And the taste? Let's just say, even sans gluten,
it still turns a girl's head!
Fresh coconut was not always freely available in SA when I was little though, so my Mom used to rock the following recipe using dried desiccated coconut. This recipe assuaged my coconut gland on a regular basis growing up.
Out of the blue a few weeks ago, the memory of this tart jumped into my head. I found my Mom's recipe, de-glutenised it and let the smell of this tart baking conjure up lovely childhood memories.
And the taste? Let's just say, even sans gluten,
it still turns a girl's head!
Mommle, I love you AND all your scrummy baked goods. Thank you for rocking the gluten-free scones and carrot cake every so often now that wheat is so very behind me!
Epic Coconut Tart

Base Ingredients:
1) Beat butter, sugar, salt.
2) Add in egg and beat lightly.
3) Mix in dry ingredients.
4) Flatten into a buttered baking dish.
Topping ingredients:
1) Spread a thin layer of jam over the raw dough base.
2) Mix the sugar with one cup of coconut.
3) Beat the egg and then mix it into the sugar + coconut mix.
4) Spread it evenly over the jam/base.

5) Bake for 20 mins at 175 - 180 degrees Celsius till golden brown.


Base Ingredients:
- 1 cup gluten-free flour (straight rice flour or a good gf cake flour)
- pinch of salt
- 113g butter
- 1 egg
- 1/2 (125ml) cup sugar
- 1/2 tsp bicarb
- 1/2 tsp creme of tartar
1) Beat butter, sugar, salt.
2) Add in egg and beat lightly.
3) Mix in dry ingredients.
4) Flatten into a buttered baking dish.
Topping ingredients:
- St Dalfour sugar-free berry jam of your choice (I like the four fruits mix)
- 1/4 cup sugar (1/2 cup in original recipe for if you've got a major sweet tooth or 20!)
- 1 cup coconut, dessicated (I prefer using coconut flakes)
- 1 egg
1) Spread a thin layer of jam over the raw dough base.

2) Mix the sugar with one cup of coconut.
3) Beat the egg and then mix it into the sugar + coconut mix.
4) Spread it evenly over the jam/base.

5) Bake for 20 mins at 175 - 180 degrees Celsius till golden brown.