Adapted from my Mom's recipe
(Makes 12)

Adapted from my Mom's recipe
(Makes 12)
- 250ml flour (I used 3/4 rice flour + 1/4 potato flour)
- 250ml cheese (cheddar/feta/etc.)
- 185ml milk (if you use potato flour, you'll need 200ml milk)
- 1 tsp baking powder (1/2 tsp bicarb + 1/2 tsp creme of tartar)
- pinch of salt/pepper/mixed herbs
- Mix all ingredients together (no mixer/whisk necessary).
- Spoon into a greased muffin tin.
- Bake at 180 degrees Celsius for 12 - 15 minutes.
I LOVE cheese scones... fresh out the oven. The best.
yummm, I'm sure they're heavenly!
too bad sconces are not so popular in the States...
The closest one would be southern biscuits which I find to be so dry~ almost like eating cardboards! hee*
Must try to make homemade!
xo to you Juanita~
I don't know why I keep torturing myself with looking at food I can't eat right now!
Juanita, you were right. It was the lemons. Do they make you tired too or just give you headaches? I felt like I was going into a food coma after having lemons with breakfast and lunch.
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